What CBT, and what is the CBT Assistant?

CBT - Congitive Behvioural Therapy is a really powerful way of improving your emotional state. As you add journal entries and check ins, you might recognise that a particular thought, or pattern of thought, keeps causing you problems. If that happens, the CBT Assistant can help you recognise what is going on.

All of us have different ways of thinking about things, and how we think can be intimately connected with how we feel about something - for example we're less likely to laugh at a joke from a commedian we don't like. That's an interesting and complicated idea. We tend to think that thoughts and emotions are kind of seperate, but experience should tell us that what we think changes how we feel, and how we feel chenges what we think. CBT uses this link by recognising distortions which we are all prone to. You'll be amazed how familiar how many of these distortions you're already familiar with!

A really common congnitive distortion is called "The Reward Fallacy". You might regocnise it as not getting a payrise, even though you really put the effort in to a struggling project. THe unfortunate truth may be that the project just didn't work out, in spite of your efforts. More generally speaking, it's the feeling that life should reward you for effort, irrespective of result. You get rewarded for success first and foremost.

The CBT Assistant will heelp you recognise thoughts which are examples of cognitive distortions, putting that thought "on trial", and trying to replace it with a less distorted thought process. Over time, you can record recurrances of a particular thought, and track how well your new strategy for challanging and correcting difficult thoughts is working out.

When the journal, check in and CBT Assistant are used together, it creates a powerful way to adapt our thoughts to produce greater contentment and improved mental health. By using the tools that In My Room offers, you can record, plan, test and track better emotional hygene, and improved mental health.

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